Contact Details:

St Paul's Parish Church 

Warren Road 

Nork, Banstead 


SM7 1LG 

Tel: 07312113019
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Vicar Update and Parish News Page 2

Parish of Nork with Burgh Heath Vicar Updates February 2nd 2025 

Dear Church Family & Friends, 

Hoping you're all well. 

This email is to share a few news updates and remind you of the dates in the parish for the coming weeks. 


Click Here for a copy of some Februprayer cards which were given out in church last Sunday and will be available again tomorrow.

It is a lovely idea from Sarah Gawkrodger. We are hoping each of us my commit to praying every day in February - the card gives a space to choose our time. Prayer topics may include
  • Praying for the day and its tasks
  • The needs of the world
  • And St. Paul's, St. Mary's and the parish
Ideas for things you may wish to pray for in the parish could be (they are only examples - there are countless things we can pray for!):
  • For a friend you could invite to church or to a church activity
  • For a new family to come and join one of our children & families services - Community Alive, Messy Church or Forest Church
  • For our outreach activities such as: Refresh@10, Little Roots, Craft opportunities, visits to schools, & services in our nursing homes
  • For our local residents associations and those from the churches involved with both
  • For our fundraising focus group as the plan our next parish fundraiser in March
  • For our Eco parish group - see below
Eco-Parish Bronze Awards for both Churches!

Yesterday our Bronze Eco Parish Certificates arrived! One for each church and there will be a wooden plaque also coming for each church. We can now begin work towards silver!

Big thanks to Jim Illingworth, Deirdre Jackson, Michael Stevens & Michelle Cahill, who formed the group, alongside me, who worked on this. We also give thanks for the work of Alastair Watson, who helped us so much before he died. 

Parish Quiet Day

David Packham is offering a parish quiet day to help us enter the period of Lent. This will be on Saturday 8th March and will run from 10 am to 4 pm at St. Mary's. Please see the flyeron our front page and speak to David for more information:

Parish Lent Course

George Drewitt will be running a Lent course for our parish this year, on Tuesdays 11th, 18th, 25th of March and 1st and 8th April at 7.30 pm in the St. Mary's vestry. 

Please contact George on: to register your interest. More information to follow. 

Chess Sets

Rachel Ruddmore and her lovely sons, Joshua and Rowan, are looking for any spare chess sets anyone may have, as their school are collecting them. If you have one to donate, please give one to Sue Wharton or I and we will pass them on to Rachel. 

Coming up this week: 

Sunday 2nd February, 10 am: Whole Parish Communion at St. Mary's
Monday 3rd, Tuesday 4th & Wednesday 5th - Alex into our parish schools - please pray for this! 
Monday 3rd February (pm): David Packham running bible study at Banstead Manor- please pray for this!
Tuesday 4th February, 8 am: BCP Communion at St. Paul's
Tuesday 4th February, 9 am: Little Roots Toddler Group at St. Paul's
Tuesday 4th February (pm): David Wright & Alex to the nursing homes to offer communion services - please pray for this!
Wednesday 5th February, 9 am: Little Roots Toddler Group at St. Paul's
Wednesday 5th February, 2 pm: Women's Craft Group in the St. Mary's vestry (side entrance to church)
Sunday 9th February, 9 am: Community Alive Service at St. Paul's
Sunday 9th February, 11 am: Communion Service at St. Mary's

Love and prayers