Contact Details:

St Paul's Parish Church 

Warren Road 

Nork, Banstead 


SM7 1LG 

Tel: 07312113019
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Baptism at St Pauls Church


 God is gracious and reaches out in love towards us. In return God calls us to respond to his love. Baptism is one of the ways we can do this. Holy Baptism is a really important moment in life, whatever age we are. At St Paul’s Nork we will do everything we can to make it a very special day.

 Baptism of Infants & Children

For children too young to make such a profession of faith on their own, parents and godparents are asked to make promises on behalf of themselves and their child. They promise to do all they can to help their child grow in faith, and walk in the way of Christ.

 St Paul’s Church, like any congregation is the family of baptised people, who gather together each Sunday to fulfill their baptismal promises, walking the path of faith. An essential part of baptism is being welcomed into this new family, and so baptism is normally offered during our 10:15am Sunday worship.

 We would ask you, as preparation for baptism to come to church as often as you can. It is important to know the family of faith to which you are asking to belong, and to experience for yourself how we can help you fulfill the promises that you will make to be faithful in public worship and private prayer.

 What is the next step?

If you would like your child to be baptized, the best way to start the process is by coming to church on a Sunday morning. You can then talk to the ministry team after the service. Complete and return the attached form below and a date can be booked for the priest or another member of the team to visit you and talk about arranging the baptism service.

 Click here for Baptism Form

 When do baptism Services take place?

Holy Baptism takes place within the 10:15am service, normally at our all age eucharist on the first Sunday of each month.  

 Adult Baptism & Confirmation

It may be that you were not baptized as a child and would like to affirm your faith in God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit now that you are an adult. St Paul’s Church runs a regular ‘Faith Confirmed’ course in preparation for adult baptism and confirmation. Contact the ministry team at Nork Parish Office for more information.